A Different Story is the story of the emergence of the narrative approach to psychotherapy as seen through the eyes of a family therapist whose life and work have taken him across some of the great divides between theory and practice. Both biography and history, this book invites professional readers to step beyond the debates among the scientific, the medical, the spiritual, and the social therapies into a paradigm of integration. Using anthropology rather than psychoanalysis as the lens through which to view healing, the book also addresses the professional reader's friends and colleagues, the intellectually concerned lay readers who want to know what has actually been happening in psychotherapy in this half-century. A Different Story is a good long tickle to the intellect, and an important perspective for all who are truly interested in what it takes to help people - and what it gives back.
“This book is an exhilarating experience that is bound to enrich the life and work of anyone reading it.”