This volume presents a unique and powerful brief therapy approach that combines the best elements of the strategic and narrative traditions in family therapy. Highly effective in treating a broad range of clinical problems, this integrative model enables therapists to alter meanings while working toward behavior change in a goal-directed framework. Taking readers step by step through the process of change, the book shows how problems develop from the mishandling of ordinary life events and how therapists can map problem cycles, reframe problems with respect, and work with clients to create simple and elegant solutions.
“In this timely book, Joe Eron and Tom Lund offer one of the most sensible, smoothly written accounts of how to do effective psychotherapy I’ve ever read. In an easy to read writing style, they show how to talk with people having problems in ways that generate solutions. Their teachable approach is grounded in sound theory and technique, leading the reader step-by-step through the exciting process of change. It doesn’t matter what label you attach to your way of thinking about how to be helpful to the client–if you want to be the best therapist you can be in these cost conscious times, this book is a must read.”
–Insoo Kim Berg, M.S.W., author of How to Interview for Client Strengths
“At a time when busy professionals are inundated with new materials, yet hungry to acquire fresh knowledge and effective skills–this unique book appears. The authors have produced an excellent text which clearly depicts the essence of the Narrative Solutions Approach. Its concise integration of the brief therapies and comprehensive case material render it essential reading for active therapists working with all ages. This book is a must for both graduate students and professionals in clinical practice who are serious about being effective in treatment.”
–Frank M. Dattilio, Ph.D., ABPP, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
“If you were able to buy only one professional book this year then you would want Eron and Lund’s Narrative Solutions in Brief Therapy. In clear, concise, and comprehensive language, these authors help the reader incorporate recent innovations from the field of narrative therapy into their daily clinical work. Consistent with the narrative tradition, Eron and Lund do not disparage but rather build upon the foundation and accomplishments of other psychotherapy traditions. The result is a practical, timely volume that transcends the schoolism that so frequently accompanies the arrival of new treatment approaches. Readers, whatever their particular therapeutic orientation, will find this book helpful in enabling them to have more helpful conversations with their clients.”
–Scott D. Miller, Ph.D., Editor, Brief Therapy
“Eron & Lund have done a marvelous job of bringing together the best of traditional individual and family systems therapy with the latest post-modern, collaborative approaches. Their approach is clear, practical and effective. It is respectful of psychodynamic and biological views, while offering an entirely new way to proceed with the knowledge that derives from those views. Handily, it also fits with the pressing need these days to do therapy briefly, even with chronic and severe problems. The case examples bring the approach to life in this well-written book. This book represents an important step forward for therapy. Highly recommended.”
“In each chapter the authors present segments of actual client-therapist dialogue to show the reader exactly how to develop narrative solutions….Can be enjoyed by the beginning therapist as well as the more seasoned practitioner.”
“The integrative approach described here and illustrated through detailed case studies offers practical guidance for clinicians who seek to balance a brief therapeutic approach while still incorporating some of the most significant and universal life questions that underlie distress.”
About the Authors
Joseph B. Eron, PsyD, is founder and codirector of the Catskill Family Institute (CFI). An experienced clinical psychologist, he has contributed several chapters on brief family therapy, coauthored (with Thomas Lund) numerous articles on CFI’s unique narrative solutions approach, and presented and trained internationally.Thomas W. Lund, PsyD, has practiced for many years as a school and child psychologist and is codirector of CFI. He has published (with Joseph Eron) a chapter and several articles on their narrative solutions approach, and has presented at conferences and workshops internationally. In addition to training psychotherapists, he teaches clergy, teachers, caseworkers in children’s services, and others in the art of conducting helpful conversations.
Joseph B. Eron, PsyD, and Thomas W. Lund, PsyD, are codirectors of the Catskill Family Institute, Kingston, New York, of which Dr. Eron is the founder. They have coauthored numerous articles on their unique narrative solutions approach, and each has presented and trained internationally.